What’s in a name? Are Tarot cards and Oracle cards the same thing?

Well, the answer to this question is both yes and no. Both Tarot cards and Oracle cards can be used to gain insights and guidance. They can both be used in readings and/or coaching to provide clarity, perspective, and inspiration. However, there are some significant differences between the two types of decks.

 Tarot Cards

  • Tarot decks always have the same 78 cards with 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. Interesting fact: the word Arcana means mysteries.

  • The Major Arcana cards represent the larger and significant themes in life while the Minor Arcana cards represent more the details around these larger themes. The Minor Arcana cards are divided up into four suits: Pentacles (or Coins), Swords, Wands (or Staves) and Cups.  

  •  Tarot cards have existed much longer than Oracle cards. They are widely believed to have become popular for divination in the early 15th Century in northern Italy.

  • The Tarot cards have multiple layers of meaning and are rich in symbolism.

  • There are a multitude of different Tarot decks and the difference between them is the imagery and symbolism used on each card.

Oracle Cards

  • Oracle decks can have any number of cards although they generally have between 36 and 64 cards.

  • Oracle cards do not have fixed formats but have their own themes linked to personal growth and guidance.

  • The first Oracle cards did not appear until the 1800’s.

  • Oracle cards tend to focus on one specific theme per card.

  • The themes for the card are often written on the card itself and decks are often linked to angels, fairies, goddesses, animals, and nature.

 Do you want to know more about Tarot and Oracle cards?

Are you interested in finding out what insights the cards can give you?

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