Page of Cups - who am I?

f.l.t.r The Light Seer’s Tarot, Radiant Rider Waite Tarot, Movie Tarot


The court cards are often the most difficult cards to read because they are more about a character and their characteristics than about a situation or theme. This means that a court card can represent yourself or the person for whom you are doing the reading, but it can also represent someone in that person's life. In addition, it can also be about the theme of the court card. So, when a court card comes up in a reading, it is important to look carefully at the question that has been asked, where the card lies in the reading, and to trust your intuition.


A page represents a young person embarking on something new. He can also represent the inner child in yourself, or the other person. The cups represent the element of water and our emotional world. Therefore, the Page of Cups is interested in who he is and what makes him tick.


The fish in the page's cup represents an emotion, feeling or insight. He looks at his fish with an open mind. Above all, he is curious. And his curiosity means he has no judgment or shame which makes him open to what the "fish" wants to show him. He is open-minded and not yet inhibited by disappointments so he also allows the less beautiful aspects of his personality to be there. Indeed, he does not see them as less beautiful but as part of who he is at this moment.


The Page can also indicate a theme, and that of the Page of Cups is about discovering a new aspect of yourself. It may be that a particular situation triggers something in you that you have not experienced before. Stay open and curious and don't take yourself too seriously. This is also a time when you can believe that anything is possible. Open your heart and believe in miracles.


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