House cleansing - energetically bringing balans back in your home

What is a house cleansing?

A house cleansing is actually exactly what it says - cleansing your home, energetically speaking. Do you recognise that feeling when you walk into a room and you immediately have a feeling about it? Maybe it feels pleasant and relaxed, but maybe you don't feel comfortable in the space at all. This unpleasant feeling can be caused by a build-up of energy. Everything is made up of energy and energy does not disappear but can be transformed. It is possible that energy gets 'stuck' in a home and that you may experience this as feeling tense and restless. Also if there has been a lot of anger, arguments or sadness somewhere, or if someone has died in the house, then it can leave tangible traces.

When is a house cleansing necessary?

It is always a good idea to cleanse a house when you first move in. The older the house, the greater the chance of trapped energy, but it can also be relevant in newly built houses depending on what was previously in that location.

There are a few things you can do yourself to purify a space such as burning sage or palo santo. Placing purifying and protective stones in the space can also work well.

However, if you are unable to get the energy back into balance yourself and you encounter (one of) the following situations, it may be a good idea to have the house cleansed by me or another energy worker:

  • I don't feel comfortable in my own home or certain rooms in my home

  • I have recurring problems with electricity and/or water, which cannot always be explained

  • A lot has happened lately and I can feel the effect in the house

  • I sleep badly and wake up very tired

If someone has passed away in the home, it is also advisable to have the home thoroughly energetically cleansed. But a house cleansing can also work well if you are selling a home and you want it to feel warm and welcoming.

How do I work?

I go through the entire home and remove any unwanted negative energy and replace it with positive energy. I can also set specific intentions in certain spaces such as peace and relaxation in the bedroom and/or harmony and connection in the living room.

I also give each room a layer of protection to keep the energy feeling good. I may also give advice about certain aspects of the interior design of the home to ensure that the energy continues to flow properly.

I do not do the house cleansing alone but work together with Stèphanie from Remembrace. Like me, she specialises in healings, house cleansing and other intuitive energy work. Together we can address all frequencies where energy can be stuck and we support each other in transforming and/or removing unwanted energy.

A house purification takes about 2 hours, depending on the size of the house and what I encounter along the way.


Do you have any questions or do you want to know if a house cleansing would be beneficial to you? Contact me via email: or phone: 06 55 38 47 32.


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