Spiritual Coaching

There are many different types of coaching. There is business coaching, life coaching and walking coaching to name just a few. The aim of all coaching programs is to help you clarify blockages and/or limiting beliefs. The moment things become clear to you, you can start doing something about it. I call what I do spiritual coaching, but in essence I do the same as all other coaches: I work with you to gain clarity in your situation and the things that are holding you back from achieving what you want in life.

Why do I call what I do spiritual coaching?

I call it spiritual coaching because I work with tarot cards and energy healings, and my focus is on supporting clients in being their true selves. Being true to yourself is of course a generic statement. What I mean is that I believe we are all spiritual beings having an earthly experience and that throughout our lives we can become further and further removed from our pure, whole, spiritual core through everything we experience. We learn certain survival strategies such as the roles of rescuer and people pleaser. We often get stuck in our beliefs about who we are and think that we are not good enough. This influences the choices we make and how we live.

With the help of tarot readings and energy healings, I can help you gain insight into these patterns and beliefs and resolve them more quickly. During coaching sessions, a combination of conversations, readings and/or healings takes place, depending on what will be most helpful at that moment.

How do tarot readings and energy healings work?

There are many preconceived ideas about the tarot cards, but in essence a tarot reading is a means of getting in touch with the subconscious. It is a very old way, with a lot of depth and layers, to make things visible and clear. The tarot does not predict the future, but indicates what is happening now and/or how certain situations arose as well as giving advise on how best to move forward. Carl Jung also saw great value in the archetypes of the tarot in his psychoanalysis. For more information about tarot see here.

With an energy healing I help resolve blockages at an energetic level and this allows your energy to flow better again. We often spend too much time in our heads and lose contact with our bodies. Often we only start to feel when our body protests due to illness or pain. With an energy healing I work with the most important chakras, energy centres of our body, and ensure that the energy flows properly. For more information about healings see here

I have completed a NOBCO accredited Coach training and use this knowledge and experience in all coaching sessions.

What can I support you with?

I can support you in returning to your true self and transforming limiting beliefs and behaviour patterns by:

  • making you more aware of your thought and behaviour patterns

  • being more present in your body and therefore less in your head

  • living more authentically

  • experiencing more peace and relaxation

  • becoming more grounded, making you feel more resilient and confident

How do I work?

I start with a free, no-obligation conversation so that we can get acquainted, and I am able to get a clear picture of what challenges you are facing and what your coaching goals are. I will then make a proposal for the coaching program, and we will determine if we want to continue together. It is a process that we will do together, so we both need to make a commitment to do this.

Appointments take place in my office in Haarlem (Netherlands) or online if it is not possible to come onsite.

All my coaching programs are tailor-made and specifically designed to support you in achieving your coaching goals.

Reviews from my customers:

“Hilde is a professional coach who knows what she is talking about. As a former professional coach I can say that. She has several tools in her backpack and her conversation techniques are really good. What makes her unique is that in addition to these 'general' coaching skills, she is also strongly connected to her intuition/spirituality. Her experience, knowledge and training are also evident in that area. Hilde doesn't just do anything. You are in safe and capable hands with her!”


“Hilde is a very professional and patient coach. In addition to her professionalism, she has an eye for you as a person. She knows how to ask the right questions to gain more self-insight and reflection. Thanks to her coaching, I dare to trust my feelings more and act accordingly. Her methods and guidance are non-standard and therefore very effective. I would highly recommend Hilde!”


“When I now look back on the coaching process, I have the feeling that attention was paid to my goals in a much more integrated way during the coaching sessions than I had expected in advance. The feeling that Hilde sensed what I needed, without me always feeling or being able to name it, plays a major positive role in this. I felt challenged during the coaching process, but above all safe, supported and understood.”


“The experience was great overall. I learned about myself and some new tools to help manage my energy. The initial consultation was clear about the structure and the expectations. What was a bit unexpected was the amount of change ( I experienced).”


“It is nice to not only gain insights through conversations, but also to approach it in a different way. Also gives a good overview.”


Contact me.

If you could use some help and support in gaining insights into what you are dealing with or in achieving certain goals then please contact me for a free, no-obligation intake interview. You can email me at info@preselibluestonecoaching.com or call me at +31 6 55384732.


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