Is the Tower like a bolt of lightning?

f.l.t.r The Light Seer’s Tarot, Radiant Rider Waite Tarot, Movie Tarot


There are three cards in the Major Arcana that most people would rather not see in turn up in a reading and these are Death, the Devi land the Tower. I have already written about Death and the Devil in other blogs and now it is the turn of the Tower.  


The theme that most people will think of when the Tower appears is that something terrible is going to happen which will turn their world completely on its head. Lightning will strike as is often depicted on the card itself. There is definitely an element of truth to this but there is also an important nuance to its message. The Tower is here to keep us on our true path and if you do not make the decision which will do this then the decision will be made for you.

Voices in your head

Before the tower comes along, quite some time will have passed in which you already know that something must change. But we usually don't like change and find it difficult to step outside our comfort zone, even though we know inside that it is necessary. A simple example is as follows; you are busy, too busy actually and have been for a while. People close to you tell you that you should take it easier, and you know they are right. But there is so much to do and what would those around you think if you suddenly put yourself first and started saying 'no' to things? So, you ignore the voices in your own head and keep being there for other people and to prove that you can cope with everything. And then? Then suddenly you get sick, or you fall and injure yourself so that you have to take it easy. That's the tower! It ensures that you get the rest you need, but often not in the way you would have chosen. But hey, you didn’t make the change yourself, so this is the consequence.

Warning with the best of intentions

So, when the tower comes along in a reading it is, with your best interests at heart, a warning that it is really time to take the step that you already know you have to take. Don't put it off anymore because even though the tower is there for your own good, it can indeed turn your life upside down and not always in the most pleasant way.


Spiritual Coaching


King of Pentacles - abundant or stuck?