King of Pentacles - abundant or stuck?

The King of Pentacles in de Tarot (from left to right): The Light Seer’s Tarot, Rider Waite Tarot, John Bauer Tarot


The tarot has 78 cards divided into 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana cards. Within the minor arcana you also have court cards. These are the page, knight, queen and king. Today I'm going to talk about the King of Pentacles.

People often find the court cards difficult to read. I can understand that because they can be about the person themselves, people in their lives or just highlight a certain theme. The meaning will depend on the question, other cards in the spread and what your tells you intuition.

General theme

A king represents someone who has already achieved a lot and is experienced. The pentacles are linked to the element Earth and are mainly about our materialistic life. Pentacles are also sometimes called coins and that already indicates that these cards can be about money, but it is also often about how we get money - our work.

Abundance and Certainty

In the Rider Waite card, we see someone who has a lot of abundance around him. The king's cloak is covered with images of grapes, a symbol of joy and fertility. He has worked hard and achieved a lot and is now enjoying the fruits of his labour.

On the king's throne we see four bulls' heads. The number four indicates stability and in astrology Taurus likes certainty and wants everything to stay as it is.

Being stuck

The downside of this card is that this king has become far too comfortable. He is knowledgeable, just needs to keep things ticking over and doesn’t need to put in much effort. But because of this, he has become more of an observer of life than a participant and has become a bit stuck. The four indicating stability can also indicate inflexibility and Taurus is often difficult to get moving.

When the King of Pentacles comes along in readings, it's time to take a look and see if you should take on a new challenge so that you can step out of the known and get your energy flowing again.

Do you recognise these themes and would you like some help in navigating this? Or are you interested in a tarot reading to see which themes are active with you right now?

Reach out to me via: | 06-55384732 | @preseli_bluestone_coaching


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