10 of Wands- Can’t see the wood for the trees

10 of Wands Rider Waite Tarot

The 10 of Wands in de Tarot (from left to right): The Light Seer’s Tarot, Rider Waite Tarot, John Bauer Tarot


The Tarot is made up of 78 cards with 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana cards are the best known and show the major themes in our lives such as with the Fool, the World, the Tower, and Death. The Minor Arcana cards provide the details around these large themes. Without the Minor Arcana, the Tarot would be a lot les detailed and concrete. Today I am going to be highlighting a Minor Arcana card – the 10 of Wands.

General theme

The suit of Wands is linked to the element of Fire and the cards are often related to things that we are passionate about and that give (or take) energy. The general theme, therefore, is often related to work, hobbies, or anything that someone has a lot of passion for.


In the Rider Waite deck, we see someone carrying 10 sticks (wands) and it is so much that he can’t see where he is walking or whether he is still going in the right direction. In the Light Seer’s Tarot, we also see a woman who is travelling with a lot of baggage. This immediately highlights one of the important messages of this cards – you are taking on too much.

The home stretch

In the Minor Arcana each suit has cards from 1 (Ace) to 10 and then the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The card numbers also influence the meaning of the cards. A 10 card means that you are on the home stretch and that a new beginning is heading your way. With the 10 of Wands, the message is specifically about how the final hurdle can be the hardest but that the end point (the house in the Rider Waite) is in sight.


Even though the end is in sight, the question remains whether all the things you are carrying really belong to you. What do you feel responsible for and what are you actually responsible for? What do you require of yourself and what do you think others require of you? What baggage from the past are you still carrying with you? And which tasks belong to someone else?

If the 10 of Wands finds its way into your reading, then the invitation is to look at all the things you are currently carrying and that are on your ‘To Do’ list. Focus on those things that are truly important right now. Complete what you can, delegate and/or let go and do not be afraid to ask for help so that you can make sure you will cross the finish line.

Do you recognise these themes and would you like some help in navigating this? Or are you interested in a tarot reading to see which themes are active with you right now?

Reach out to me via: info@preselibluestonecoaching.com | 06-55384732 | @preseli_bluestone_coaching


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