Speak of the Devil…

The Devil in de Tarot (from left to right): The Light Seer’s Tarot, Rider Waite Tarot, John Bauer Tarot


There are several cards in the tarot that people would rather not see come up in their readings. The three least popular cards are usually Death, the Tower and the Devil. There is often fear and judgment about these cards, but all three have a beautiful message that they want to share. In a previous blog of mine you can read about what the Death card really stands for. Just to reassure you - it doesn't mean that someone is going to die soon. I'm sure I will write a blog about the Tower, but today I want to talk about the Devil.


Some of the prejudices about this card are that it means that you are doing something malicious or that something bad is going to happen to you. It is often linked to one of the seven cardinal sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth. In reality, the meaning of this card is more complex and loving.

Physical existence and ego

The Devil certainly focuses on our physical existence here on earth and dealing with our own ego.  If the Devil comes along in a reading, it may be time to see if you are holding on too tightly to certain ideas about yourself or if your attention may be too focused on material things. But part of this is also looking at your shadow side and the things you'd rather not face. This does not mean that there are parts of yourself that are 'evil' but that you fear that you do. At times like these it is important to look at who you think you are and what you believe about yourself. 

Norms and Values

One aspect of this is also the family and culture in which we grew up. We often adopt the norms and values of our environment without thinking about them much. The Devil in a reading can therefore be an invitation to look at which norms and values are really yours and which you have adopted, and which (no longer) fit who you are. This can also often focus on relationships and the ideal image of what a relationship or family should look like that for many people may not be what they really desire.

Transactional analysis

Our relationship to our parents is also mirrored by the Devil. Based on the psychology of transactional analysis, the Devil shows the relationship of the critical parent to the child within us. This is where the feeling of having to be perfect to get the approval of (one of) your parents comes from. This is also where the fear of not being good enough and that if people knew you well that they would not like you is born.

Self-discovery and healing

The beautiful side of the card the Devil is that it is also about self-discovery, enlightenment and healing. If we dare to face our fear and shine light on the things we want to keep hidden, we see that it is not so dark - "Man suffers most from the suffering he fears". The Devil is therefore also a loving invitation to get to know yourself better and to heal emotional pain that you experience. To let go of expectations of others, to set your own course  and to love yourself more.


So when the Devil comes along in readings, it is actually an invitation to look at yourself and answer the question "Who am I and what do I stand for?".

Do you recognise these themes and would you like some help in navigating this? Or are you interested in a tarot reading to see which themes are active with you right now?

Reach out to me via: info@preselibluestonecoaching.com | 06-55384732 | @preseli_bluestone_coaching


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